Archive for the tag: Pregnancy

5 Fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy

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A healthy diet is essential for a healthy pregnancy. You must know what to eat and what to avoid when pregnant. While most of the foods are safe for you and your unborn baby, there are few that must be avoided.

Here is the list of fruits not to eat during pregnancy. Keep this list handy to lead a safe & healthy pregnancy.

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Any information provided in this video is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctor or any health professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding.
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Food to avoid during pregnancy

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Avoid processed meats with nitrates, says Anjie Li, MD, obstetrician at Stanford Children’s Health. In this KPIX CBS San Francisco HealthWatch segment, Li guides expectant moms through a list of foods to steer clear of during pregnancy.

For questions about foods that pose heath risks for you and your baby, talk to your doctor or reach out to our care team at the Women’s Care Medical Group by visiting
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What is a diabetic pregnancy?

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Endocrinologist Dr Bobby Huda talks about having a baby with diabetes. Learn about the risks for the mother and baby, all about gestational diabetes and how to have a successful pregnancy with diabetes type 1, 2 or gestational diabetes.

For more information about Dr Huda, please visit his Top Doctor’s profile:

Gestational Diabetes: Managing Risk During and After Pregnancy Video – Brigham and Women’s Hospital

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Ellen Seely, MD, Director of Clinical Research in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Hypertension at Brigham and Women’s Hospital discusses the health risks associated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during and after pregnancy. Dr. Seely also describes Balance After Baby, a web-based program designed to educate women on eating healthfully and increasing their physical activity, with the goal of helping them lose their pregnancy weight within a year of giving birth.

GDM is a type of diabetes that occurs only in pregnancy. It comes on in the second half of pregnancy and it goes away after delivery. In the US it’s estimated that five percent of all pregnancies are complicated by GDM. The rates of GDM are higher in Hispanic and non-white populations, ranging from ten to 20 percent of all pregnancies.

Obesity is one of the main risk factors for GDM. In the United States, most health centers screen all women for gestational diabetes because obesity is becoming so common in the overall population.

Gestational diabetes can impact the health of the mother and the fetus, as well as the newborn. Women with GDM have an increased risk of preeclampsia, which is a type of high blood pressure that develops during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is a serious condition that can lead to early delivery. Women who have gestational diabetes may also have larger babies, increasing their risk of cesarean section.

While GDM goes away after pregnancy, the health risks persist. Research has found that 50 to 70 percent of women who have gestational diabetes may develop Type 2 diabetes later in life. Research has also found that babies born to mothers with GDM, have a higher birth weight and may become obese during adolescence, increasing their risk of developing diabetes and other conditions such as high blood pressure.

The Pregnancy and Diabetes Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital offers multidisciplinary care to women with GDM. The program includes a high risk obstetrician, two diabetes specialists, a nutritionist, and a nurse practitioner who is certified in diabetes education. The first approach to treatment is to control blood glucose levels with healthy eating and physical activity. Lifestyle changes, healthy eating and physical activity, are effective in controlling blood glucose levels about 75 percent of women with GDM. If the lifestyle changes don’t work, insulin therapy is started to control a mother’s blood sugar for the rest of her pregnancy.

Learn more about the Pregnancy and Diabetes Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital:

Read the Gestational Diabetes: Managing Risk During and After Pregnancy video transcript:

Pregnancy and Diabetes

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Abimbola Aina-Mumuney, M.D. is a perinatologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Maternal and Fetal Medicine at Howard County General Hospital in Columbia, Maryland, and is an assistant professor in the Johns Hopkins Medicine Department of Gynecology/Obstetrics. Her areas of clinical expertise include high-risk pregnancy conditions and prevention of preterm labor.

In this video, Dr. Aina-Mumuney explains what diabetes is and its potential effect on a pregnancy, including the risks to the mother and baby and how these risks can be managed.
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Diabetes and Pregnancy Risks

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It can be the happiest time of a woman’s life—but doctors say that joy can be overshadowed by a common medical condition. “It’s very common, unfortunately. As a society we are getting sicker, we are getting obese, and diabetes is on the rise,” said Dr. Ravi Chokshi, an OB/GYN with Lee Health.

Diabetes becomes even more concerning when it’s developed during pregnancy. “There are two types of diabetes during pregnancy that we worry about. One is you’re a diabetic before you became pregnant, and that is a very serious problem that we try to get control of. The other is you’re not a diabetic. You had normal blood testing before. What happens in pregnancy is the placenta that the baby relies on releases hormones that increase your blood sugar,” said Dr. Chokshi.

If the mother becomes diabetic during pregnancy, both the mother and baby are at risk for health concerns. “It actually affects the development of the baby, and it can cause heart defects and brain defects if the sugars aren’t brought under control quickly,” he said.

These concerns are why doctors are screening women for diabetes throughout their pregnancy. “We are actually instituting a policy where almost every patient is going to get some blood sugar test at the start of pregnancy to make sure we’re not missing diabetics who didn’t know they were diabetic,” said Dr. Chokshi.

If a woman is diabetic or becomes diabetic during pregnancy, doctors will help them with diet and medication, if necessary to get their blood sugar under control. “If you have diabetes during pregnancy and we don’t treat it adequately, you’re at a two to three time increased the risk for C-section; you’re at a three to four time increased risk for birth injury,” he explained.

The goal is to catch diabetes early during pregnancy to prevent health concerns for both the mother and baby—both during and after delivery.

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Lee Health in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of health care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For more than 100 years, we’ve been providing our community with personalized preventative health services and primary care to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries. Lee Health – Caring People. Inspiring Care.


Dr. Beena Bansal talks about pregnancy in diabetic patients.

High Risk Pregnancy: Diabetes

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Understand the risks and management of diabetes during pregnancy. Learn more:
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