6 WORST Hydration & Fueling Ingredients | Powders, Gels, Chews, & Energy Bar NO-NOs]
Lifestyle Tags: &, Chews, Energy, Fueling, Gels, hydration, Ingredients, NONOs, Powders, WORSTNo Comments »
Go faster by avoiding these common gut offenders and performance sappers. Round 2! Lifetime Saturday app subscription giveaway! ๐ฅ
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We’re highlighting six ingredients that, despite their popularity, might not be the best for your endurance activities. From artificial sweeteners to unexpected carb sources, there’s much to uncover about proper fueling and hydration.
Let us know if you think we nailed it or missed the mark with our top six worst components you ever want to see in your fuel and hydration drinks, gels, chews, or bars.
Save your time, energy, and money by understanding what truly matters for your performance.
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