Archive for the tag: Fast

What’s VEGAN At Burger King | Easy How To Eat Vegan Fast Food

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Here’s a quick video on some of the vegan options that are available at Burger King. It’s become extremely easy to eat vegan at Burger King since the introduction of the Impossible Burger, just make sure you order it without mayo. They also have french toast sticks and hash browns for breakfast!


© Jade Allen Cook – For all inquiries contact

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Eating Burger King’s *NEW* Vegan Royale + Plant Based Whopper… (London)

BenBulks eating more vegan items more than once within a week, surely not! DW, its only for content! I am not thinking of going vegan at all 😂
So, Burger King have released some new items (vegan unfortunately) so I rushed back from work to record, edit and upload this video on the day of release (if you’re watching on Monday 26th). This may or may not be a 4 way review but either way subscribe to these donnies and look out for it!

Chris The Butcher (North) –
Blue Van Man (Midlands) –
Me (Landan)
Scott and Wanda’s World (South) –
Through us doing this, you get to see 4 different reviews/eating videos from different places of England! I love this series!

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Thanks again for the mad support recently, I’m aiming to get 5,000 Subscribers by the end of 2021 so any support is appreciated…
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Video Rating: / 5

Diabetes | Top 8 Fast Food Choice for Diabetics | Diabetes Food

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Diabetes | Top 8 Fast Food Choice for Diabetics | Diabetes Food

Diabetes | Top 8 Fast Food Choice for Diabetics | Diabetes Food

If you have any question, please comment below
The Diabetes Breakthrough Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About


Shocking new scientific research uncovered how to treat the root cause of diabetes. Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine have perfected these diabetes treatment methods:

In 16 days, patients insulin dosages were reduced by over 57%

A few weeks later, 96% of patients were able to stop ALL diabetes drugs and injections.

Blood sugar normalized, insulin sensitivity increased and neuropathy pain went away.

They’ve already helped over 17,542 type 2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring.

But you won’t hear about this breakthrough from your doctor.

Discover the truth about diabetes:

Take care
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Top 8 Fast Food Choice for Diabetics list:

1. Burger King
If the location you are at offers veggie burgers, opt for that without mayonnaise. If that is not an option choose the TenderGrill Chicken Sandwich and ask them to hold the mayo. For a healthy side, grab a garden salad topped with fat-free ranch dressing, notes Prevention.

2. Popeyes
Do not make eating out at this chain a regular habit – most of the options are too carb- and fat-heavy to support a healthy diet. In a pinch, however, your best choice is the six-piece chicken tenders with applesauce and green beans as your sides.

3. Wendy’s
Take advantage of the salad menu and ignore the cheeseburgers when dining at this chain. We recommends a half-order of the Apple Pecan Chicken Salad, which comes with pecans and a pomegranate vinaigrette. It will fill you with nutrients and protein, and it clocks in at a reasonable 340 calories.

4. McDonald’s
While McDonald’s is known for its burgers, you are better off choosing chicken at this fast-food joint. Prevention suggests ordering the Premium Grilled Chicken Classic Sandwich without mayonnaise. The Filet-o-Fish is another acceptable option – just make sure to pick apple slices instead of fries as a side.

5. Panda Express
Just because you are stranded in an airport food court does not mean you should gravitate toward unhealthy food. This Asian-inspired chain has a few healthy choices among the rows of greasy noodles. We recommends getting broccoli beef without rice and a veggie spring roll to satisfy your hunger without sacrificing your diet.

6. Taco Bell
Ordering your food “fresco style” from this Mexican chain will replace heavy sauces and excess cheese with tomatoes, cilantro and onions. Try ordering the Fresco Chicken Soft Taco. You can also order one of their salads – just avoid creamy dressings and the crispy tortilla “bowl” the restaurant offers.

7. Subway
This sandwich shop’s customizable options are great for people watching what they eat. We recommends asking for a Veggie Delite sandwich on Monterey Cheddar bread. Top it off with tomato, lettuce, cucumber, green peppers and provolone cheese. This meal will fill you up for only 310 calories.

8. Kentucky Fried Chicken
Do not be tempted by the fried poultry dripping in harmful saturated fat at this home-style chain. Instead, opt for grilled chicken pieces and choose either green beans or a house salad as a side dish. Prevention this choice is low in both processed carbohydrates and fat.

Discover the truth about diabetes:

Please watch: “Diabetes | 7 Steps to Help Your Body Recover from Diabetes | Diabetes Tips”

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