Archive for the tag: Causes

What Causes Diabetes?

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Hello, I’m Ty Mason from, researcher, writer and I have type 2 diabetes. Today I’m going to answer the question, what causes diabetes. But before we get into that, make sure you download my free diabetes management book which also includes a diabetes grocery shopping guide (foods to eat and avoid).

Let me start off by saying I am NOT a doctor, I have no medical training whatsoever, I didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. I am just a guy with diabetes who wants to help educate others. That being said, I have been asked to answer what causes diabetes in 3 and a half minutes.

So let’s get started. When talking about diabetes, there really is a myriad of different types of diabetes and I hope to get into all of them at some point, but today we are going to focus on Type 2 Diabetes because that is the most common.

People with Type 2 diabetes have a malfunction in their bodies that doesn’t allow them to use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, your pancreas makes extra insulin to keep everything in check, but, over time it isn’t able to keep up and make enough insulin.

OK, we know what it is, but the question is what causes it.

That is not an easy question to answer. But many scientists think genetic susceptibility and environmental factors are the most likely triggers of type 2 diabetes.

Having certain genes or combinations of genes may increase or decrease a person’s risk for developing the disease. The role of genes is suggested by the high rate of type 2 diabetes in families and identical twins and wide variations in diabetes prevalence by ethnicity.

The known genes appear to affect insulin production rather than insulin resistance. Researchers are constantly looking at other ways genes can interact with one another and with environmental factors to cause diabetes.

Physical inactivity and obesity are strongly associated with the development of type 2 diabetes. People who are genetically susceptible to type 2 diabetes are more vulnerable when these risk factors are present.

An imbalance between caloric intake and physical activity can lead to obesity, which causes insulin resistance and is common in people with type 2 diabetes. Central obesity, in which a person has excess abdominal fat, is a major risk factor not only for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes but also for heart and blood vessel disease, also called cardiovascular disease.

The American Diabetes Association says that people who develop type 2 diabetes are more likely to have the following characteristics:

-age 45 or older
-overweight or obese
–physically inactive
parent or sibling with diabetes
-family background that is African American, Alaska Native, -American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, or Pacific -Islander American
-history of giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds
-history of gestational diabetes
-high blood pressure—140/90 or above—or being treated for high blood pressure

There literally are thousands of studies with hundreds of factors that cause diabetes. The list in front of you isn’t exhaustive, but if you have Type 2 diabetes you probably fall under one or more of these categories.

The good news is, diabetes is not fatal. With proper diet, exercise and often medication you can live a rather normal happy life.
I hope this answered your question what causes diabetes. Don’t forget to get your diabetes management book.

Let me know if you have any other diabetes related questions.
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Causes Symptoms And Treatment Of Type 1 Diabetes – Manipal Hospitals

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This animated video is a presentation about the symptoms, causes and types of diabetes. Diabetes is caused by insufficient insulin in the blood stream to control the blood glucose levels. Insulin is secreted by Beta cells that are in the Islets of Langerhans region of the Pancreas. Insulin helps the cells of the body to get calories from the glucose present in the blood stream. During Type 1 diabetes, the white blood cells mistake the Beta cells from the Pancreas for foreign invaders in an auto-immune response. As a result, they destroy the Beta cells by secreting anti bodies and hence the Pancreas produces little or no more insulin, leading to hyperglycaemia. The symptoms of hyperglycaemia in Type 1 diabetes are; excessive hunger, excessive thirst, frequent urination, unexplained weight-loss, fatigue, weakness, irritability, and blurry vision. Watch the video for a detailed explanation on Diabetes 1.

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Causes & Treatment Of Type 2 Diabetes – Manipal Hospital

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What is Type 2 Diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which your body has high blood sugar.

How does your blood sugar rise?
If you have insulin resistance, your insulin cannot unlock the cells to let glucose in, because the locks called the receptors are abnormal or missing. As a result, glucose is locked out up of your cells. Consequently, the amount of glucose builds up in the blood stream in a condition called hyperglycaemia.

How do we lose the ability to create insulin?
To compensate for hyperglycaemia, your pancreas produces more and more insulin. Your over worked beta cells try to keep up with the demand but gradually lose their capability to produce enough insulin. If you don’t receive treatment for hyperglycaemia, it can result in diabetic ketoacidosis as there will be a shortage of insulin in the body. Over time, chronic poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes can cause degenerative tissue damage resulting in long-term complications such as atherosclerosis, blindness, neuropathy, heart attack and renal failure. Diabetes and heart disease have a high rate of correlation. Watch the video to know more about the causes, symptoms, diabetes attack and high blood sugar treatment.

Manipal Hospitals is one of the leading healthcare brands in India. We are invested in the health and well-being of our community and frequently post informational videos on our channel in order to create awareness. Subscribe to our channel at

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