25 Diabetic Diet Food List | Diabetic Diet Food List Vegetables | Diabetic Diet Food list Fruits
Lifestyle March 18th. 2019, 11:41am25 Diabetic Diet Food List
When it comes to diabetes, your diet should be highly monitored,
Apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away — purposely the cardiologist. A 2012 study at Ohio State University published in the Journal of Functional Foods found
Asparagus: Based on taste alone, asparagus is a favorite food for many. i
Avocados: Avocados are known for their heart-healthy monounsaturated fat content.
Beans: There may just be something to that old line, “Beans, beans, the magical fruit.” Of course, you probably know that beans are high in fiber and a good basis of protein,
Blueberries: Blueberries are part of the family of fruits containing flavonoids, known for their many health benefits,
Broccoli: This nonstarchy vegetable makes just about every superfood list, and it’s easy to see why. For starters, it has more vitamin C per 100 grams than an orange.
Carrots: Cooked or raw, carrots are a healthy addition to any meal plan. While cooked carrots have the rich texture of starchy vegetables,
25 Diabetic Diet Food List
Cranberries : hey’re not just for holiday dinners anymore. There are now good reasons to enjoy this power-packed fruit year-round.
Fish : The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating fish twice a week.
Flaxseed: Sometimes good things come in threes, and that’s certainly true of flaxseed:
It contains alpha-linolenic acid, which can be converted into omega-3 fatty acids, offering similar benefits of those found in fish.
Garlic: Garlic, the edible bulb from a plant in the lily family, has served as both a medicine and flavoring agent in cookery for thousands of years.
Kale: “A 1/2-cup serving of cooked kale has only 18 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrate. It contains almost all the important nutrients, from vitamin A to zinc
Melon: When you’re longing something sweet, make tracks to the melon aisle, where you’ll find many varieties including watermelon, cantaloupe, muskmelon, honeydew, casaba, crenshaw, Persian, and pepino.
Nuts: In a nutshell, nuts are one of the healthiest food choices you can make. According to the Mayo Clinic, most nuts enclose at least one or more of these heart-healthy substances: unsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, plant sterols, and L-arginine,
Oatmeal: There’s nothing more comforting than a warm bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Plus, it’s a more nutritious option than many other starchy breakfast foods, such as sugary cereals, sweet rolls, and bagels,
Quinoa: If you’re interested in expanding your vegetarian options, you may want to give quinoa a try.
Raspberries: These little berries pack a big nutritional punch. A 1-cup portion provides over half of the day’s vitamin C, a authoritative antioxidant beneficial for bone and skin health,
Red Grapefruit: Sweet, juicy, and delicious, ruby red grapefruit packs more antioxidant power and more health benefits than white grapefruit. In a 30-day test of 57 people with heart disease.
Red Onions: Don’t hold the onions — especially red ones. They not only add huge color to salads, burgers, and sandwiches, but they also score higher in antioxidant power compared with their yellow and white cousins.
Red Peppers: Red peppers are actually green peppers that have been allowed to ripen on the vine longer. They’re encumbered with nutrients, including the antioxidants vitamin C and beta-carotene. Like other red fruits and vegetables, red peppers deliver a healthy dose of lycopene.
Soy: Regardless of the form, soy products have a deserved reputation for providing high-quality protein that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Spinach: Popeye was right — spinach is good for you. You probably already know that it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals. A 1-cup serving of raw spinach or 1/2 cup safe to eat provides over 50 percent of the daily value for folate and vitamin C.
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Tea: The next time you pour yourself a cup of tea, you could be doing your health a favor. Tea contains antioxidant-rich flavonoids called catechins, which appear to reduce the risk of heart disease by helping blood vessels dilate.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes are an excellent foundation of vitamins C and A, plus they are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.
25 Diabetic Diet Food List
Yogurt : Yogurt is a sweet treat that is creamy, delicious, and good for you.
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