11 DEADLIEST Foods Around The World!
Diabetes July 2nd. 2021, 12:22pmCheck out the 11 DEADLIEST Food Around The World! From toxic cheese to poisonous clams, this top 10 list of strange and dangerous foods around the world should be avoided at all costs!
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11. Casu Marzu
Figured I’d start you off with a bang!! Casu Marzu? That can’t be so bad right? It’s Sardinian Maggot Cheese. It’s a delicacy in Sardinia and Corsica. (You know, where Napoleon was from!) It’s even considered an aphrodisiac.
Casu Marzu, which literally means “putrid cheese,” is made by taking whole pecorino cheeses outside, cutting off the top of the rind, and leaving them open to the air.
10. Ackee
Ackee is the national fruit of Jamaica. Originally native to West Africa, it was brought to Jamaica as part of the trade in 1778. Not all of the fruit is safe to eat!! The ackee fruit is deadly if it’s eaten before it’s fully ripe, and it needs to be carefully prepared. It can only be eaten when the outer pod is red and opens on its own, and when the flesh around the seed (the aril) is golden in color.
9. Absinthe
Also called the green fairy, this liqueur was a favorite of the Victorian artistic set and Goth scene members everywhere. Everyone from Vincent Van Gogh to Ernest Hemingway drank Absinthe and Toulouse-Lautrec even mixed it with Cognac! You know, because it’s not strong enough already!!
8. Wild Mushrooms
For many people, no trip to the woods would be complete without mushroom hunting. Many wild mushrooms are safe to eat, but if you aren’t 100% sure about what you’re doing you could be in trouble! The safe ones often have look-alike toxic cousins. Eating toxic wild mushrooms can be deadly. There are many toxic mushrooms, but one of the most lethal is the aptly-named cap mushroom.
7. Fugu
Chefs in Japan train for years to learn how to properly prepare fugu (or puffer fish) for the table. The preparation and sale of fugu is heavily regulated because the fish is so extremely dangerous. The ovaries, intestines and liver of the puffer fish contain a poison called tetrodotoxin, which is 1,200 times more lethal than cyanide.
6. Hákarl
Hákarl is the national dish of Iceland. It’s made of the meat of the Greenland shark, which is poisonous before it’s properly processed. The meat has high levels of uric acid and trimethylamine oxide, which is a natural antifreeze that protects the shark in cold arctic water. These chemicals are present in such a high concentration that only a few bites of uncured meat is enough to you.
5. Sannakji
Octopus that’s properly cooked and prepared is not a problem. It’s the way it’s served in Korea that can be deadly. It’s called “sannakji” and it’s not just about the taste. It’s rumored to boost a man’s stamina…
Sannakji is the wriggling tentacles of a baby octopus that was seasoned and chopped while it was still alive, and they’re served immediately.
4. Cassava
Also called yucca, cassava is a resilient and hardy plant that’s grown in the arid climates of Africa and South America. It’s incredibly drought-resistant and is a major source of calories, starch and carbs. It grows well where usually it’s tough for people to find enough to eat.
3. Bean Sprouts
Who knew, right?? Mung bean sprouts are feature in many Asian dishes, and they’re a delicious, crispy and moist addition to a stir fry, salad or sandwich. Sprouts have long been featured as a part of the “clean eating” movement, and for good reason. They can be very beneficial. But these innocent-looking guys have a dark side, though. But don’t we all.
2. Blood Clams
More seafood! This one with a very unpleasant name. Blood clams are salt-water clams that are found along the Pacific rim all the way from South Africa to the coast of Japan. They get their name because they contain very high levels of hemoglobin in their flesh, which causes their juices to look like, well, blood.
1. Fruit Bat Soup
Come ooon!! Who doesn’t want to eat that!? I’m just kidding, I know you don’t.
When guns were introduced to Guam, it suddenly became easier for locals to and eat their indigenous fruit bat, the Mariana Flying Fox.
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